IRP Registration
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
This will be your IRP Login ID and must be a valid email address.
Work Phone Number
Region and Customer Selection:
1. Select your region from the drop-down list.
2. Drag the customer that you're responsible for from the Customers list to the Selected Customers list.
Selected Customers
Rules Of Behavior and Acceptable Use Policies (Acceptance Required)
Accounts are to be used only for the purpose for which they are authorized and are not to be used for non-related activities.
Unauthorized use of an issued account and/or computing resource is in violation of Section 799, Title 18, U.S. Code, and constitutes theft and is punishable by law. Therefore, unauthorized use of the computing resource may constitute grounds for disciplinary action, and/or civil or criminal prosecution.
Generally, the WESTERN computing resources are unclassified systems. Therefore, classified information may not be processed, entered, or stored on these computing resources. Information is considered “classified” if it is Top Secret, Secret, and/or confidential information, which requires safeguarding in the interest of National Security, as defined by Federal Authorities.
Users are responsible for protecting any information used from and/or stored from usage of their account.
Users are requested to report any weaknesses in security or any incidents of possible misuse or violation of this agreement to the proper authorities by contacting the WESTERN Corporate Services Office Cyber Security Officer.
Users shall not attempt to access any data or programs contained on any system for which they do not have authorization or explicit consent of the owner of the system. Users may use programs on a limited basis for personal use as approved in DOE Order 203.1, “Limited Personal Use of Government Office Equipment Including Information Technology.”
Users shall not divulge their password to anyone, except as may be required in emergency situations to provide for the continued operation of the WESTERN system. Users are requested to report all incidents or attempts of anyone to gain access to their login or password to the proper authorities by contacting their supervisor and/or the Cyber Security Officer.
Users shall not share account information or access privilege with anyone outside of WESTERN. This includes sharing the account or password or general knowledge of the account or providing access via any other means or definitions of sharing. Users shall notify the Western IT Call Center (phone # 720-962-7111) of any change in their responsibilities or employment status so the appropriate actions may be taken regarding user accounts.
Users shall not purposely engage in activity with the intent to harass other users, degrade the performance of systems, deprive an authorized WESTERN user access to a WESTERN resource, obtain extra resources beyond those allocated, circumvent WESTERN computer security measures, or gain access to any WESTERN system for which proper authorization has not been given.
Users shall be aware of security that exists for any systems they access and is controlled by WESTERN, and shall abide by the terms of security policies for their respective systems. Any noncompliance with these requirements will constitute a security violation and will be reported to the management of the user and the WESTERN Corporate Services Office Cyber Security Officer, and can result in short-term or permanent loss of access to computing systems. Serious violations may result in disciplinary action and/or civil or criminal prosecution.
I have read and understand the rules of behavior and acceptable use policy and agree to abide by them.